Saturday, October 4, 2014

awsome homerun thinkfluencer

Writes Mike:

After 10 years of blogging with conventional blogging sites and services, I abandoned that approach a year ago and started blogging on Google+. Why? Because Google+ is by far the best blogging platform … I’ve replaced more than half my email communication with Google+ communication. If you don’t know me, the only way to reach me is via Google+

I’m ranked #1 on the Google Plus Score list, which is based on user engagement.

I’m the #7 Most Recommended Person to Follow on Google+ (as voted by users). And I’m one of Mashable’s top nine Google+ Power Users.

I’m also a “Curator” on the Google Currents app! (Please install the free app and “Add” me!)
I’ve also created and moderate these 5 Google+ communities.

no he doesn't sound a bit biased

1 comment:

  1. Another perfect example of the Hypocrisy of TWiT. They have a news director in a position where regardless of your personal position on a subject is supposed to sit in the middle, neutral and unbiased. This Thinkfluencer, though thinking is bottom of his ability list, will happily ignore the facts and replace them with his own biased beliefs.

    This is reflected no just with Twitter and Google+ but with the way he handles Tech News Today on TWiT. In fact it is shocking that when someone has an opinion that differs from his (or Leo Laporte's for that matter) then they call it being trolled while they will happily Troll Tech subjects with their opinions that seem to strongly differ from others and claim that they are "Tech Pundits", I prefer that people such as ourselves refer to being "TWiT Pundits".

    You are totally right with the bias, From the day that Mike Elgan started with TWiT.TV and TNT he has selected news that has a bias towards Google and a strongly anti-Apple and anti-Microsoft bias. In fact he has openly operated a campaign against Apple which is strange for someone that is the "Thought Leader" for Cult of Mac!

    A few months ago I asked a question of Mr Elgan and asked if he deleted or blocked comments and he said that he never does and then in the next sentence said that he removed 'troll' comments. What he really meant to say was that "I remove any comments that oppose my opinion and I block people that strongly oppose my opinion"!

    This is a person that trolls and spams Twitter, a man that is so in love with the thought of people reading his word like he is some sort of holy man that should be held in reverence that he begged on all other social media sites asking that people follow him on Ello!

    Thank you takenTech for highlighting yet another post of self glorification by Elgan. I am surprised the rape room hasn't mirrored walls and ceiling so that he can look at himself from every angle and admire the standard of his work.
